Optimal preparation for the 2025 Annual General Meeting season.
The virtual shareholders' meeting law (VirtGesG) has now been incorporated into permanent law. It offers a reliable legal framework that provides an alternative to general meetings held in person. However, the sometimes vehement criticism voiced by shareholders and a number of unresolved issues are now leaving listed companies at a loss as to whether the advantages or disadvantages outweigh the disadvantages.
DSC partner Christoph Diregger is the new expert director of the virtual shareholder's meeting law update and will, together with Chrstioph Nauer (bpv Hügel), be summarizing the advantages and disadvantages. You will also receive practical tips on how to approach the matter in order to make a qualified decision.
The event will take place on February 29 at the Haus der Ingeninieure in Vienna.
Optimal preparation for the 2025 Annual General Meeting season.
Congratulations on being admitted to the Austrian Bar!
She strengthens our team primarily in the areas of banking law, consumer law, general terms and conditions law and litigation.